GAAA-Equal Opportunity Employment.pdf
GAID-Conflict of Interest.pdf
GAJA-Gifts by Staff Members.pdf
GAJB - Use of Office for Personal Gain or Gifts to Personnel.pdf
GAJD - Political Activity 10-27-2022.pdf
GAJDBG - Personel - Student Relationships and Conduct.pdf
GAJDC-Staff Involvement in Decision Making.pdf
GAK-Employment of Personnel.pdf
GAKB- Criteria for Employment.pdf
GAKC-Applications for Employment.pdf
GAKF-Job Description Development.pdf
GAKG-Orientation of Personnel.pdf
GAKJ-Public Use of Personnel Records.pdf
GALA-Overtime Pay.pdf
GALBEA-Family and Medical Leave for Personnel.pdf
GALBF-Legal Service Absences for Personnel.pdf
GALBG-Professional Leaves of Absence for Personnel.pdf
GALBH-Personal Leaves and Absences.pdf
GALD-Salary Schedules for Personnel.pdf
GALDC-Payroll Checks for Personnel.pdf
GALE-Travel Expenses for Personnel.pdf
GAM-Firearms and Weapons-Employees.pdf
GAMA-Healthy Examinations for Personnel.pdf
GAMAA-Communicable Diseases.pdf
GAMAB-Tuberculosis Tests for Employees and Volunteers.pdf
GAMBC - Drugs and Alcoholic Beverages.pdf
GAMBCA Drug and Alcohol Testing of Safey and Sensitive Employees.pdf
GAMBCB Searches.pdf
GAMBCC Self Reporting Arrests And Crimes.pdf
GAMC-Smoking and Use of Tobacco Products.pdf
GANF-Supervising Family Members.pdf
GBAA-Contracts for Certified Personnel.pdf
GBC-Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy.pdf
GBD-Supplemental Assignments for Personnel.pdf
GBI-Employee Evaluations.pdf
GBIB-Staff Rights and Responsibilities.pdf
GBM-Transfer of Certified Personnel.pdf
GBNA-Reduction in Force.pdf
GBRB - Time Schedule and Work Loads for Certified Personnel 11-19-2021.pdf
GBRD-Staff Meetings.pdf
GBRE-Extra Duties.pdf
GBRGB-Tutoring for Pay.pdf
GBRH-Vacation Leave Holidays for Certified and Noncertified Personnel.pdf
GBRHB-Leaves of Absence for Certified Personnel.pdf
GBRJ-Substitute Teachers.pdf
GBS-Professional Organizations for Certified Personnel.pdf
GBU-Alabama Educator Code of Ethics.pdf
GCAA-Contracts for Noncertified Personnel.pdf
GCFA-Inservice for Noncertified Personnel.pdf
GCH-Supervision of Noncertified Personnel.pdf
GCM-Transfer of Noncertified Personnel.pdf
GCMA-Evaluation of Non-Certified Personnel.pdf
GCRB-Time Schedules and Work Loads for Noncertified Personnel.pdf
GCRC-Vacation Leave-Holidays for Noncertified Personnel.pdf
GDA-Physical Restraint.pdf