DA - Goals and Objectives.pdf
DC - Annual Operating Budget.pdf
DCB - Fiscal Year.pdf
DCC - Budget Preparation Procedures.pdf
DCH - Monthly Financial Reconciliation.pdf
DCHA - Periodic Budget Amendments.pdf
DD - State and Federal Aid Eligibility Determination.pdf
DFL - Investment Earnings.pdf
DG - Central Office Depository of Funds.pdf
DH - Bonded Employees.pdf
DI - Accounting Reports and Records.pdf
DID - Audits.pdf
DJE - Purchasing.pdf
DJEB - Authority to Expend Funds without Board Approval.pdf
DJED - Bid Purchasing.pdf
DL - Cash in School Buildings.pdf
DN - Local School Finances.pdf
DO - Disposal of School Property.pdf
DP - Returned Checks and Insufficient Funds.pdf